muitos links aqui do blog são upados no Mega, então, se vocês
encontrarem links em Off me avisem pos favor através de comentários ou
pelo e-mail hamasakiayublogspot@live.jp
farei o máximo para trocar de sevidor e vou procurar um que seja nossa
cara como o mega era (assim como o mediafire é, mas ele tem que dividir
em várias partes, coisa que o mega não pedia)
Obrigado a todos pela compreensão!
Juliano Gardiman
Guys, do not know if you noticed, but the Megaupload closed ...
Anyway, here are many links in the blog are uploaded to Mega, so if you find links to Off let me know please post comments or e-mail to hamasakiayublogspot@live.jp
I'll do my best to change the server and I'll look for one that is our face as it was mega (like mediafire is, but he has to split into several parts, something that did not require mega)
Thank you all for your understanding!
Anyway, here are many links in the blog are uploaded to Mega, so if you find links to Off let me know please post comments or e-mail to hamasakiayublogspot@live.jp
I'll do my best to change the server and I'll look for one that is our face as it was mega (like mediafire is, but he has to split into several parts, something that did not require mega)
Thank you all for your understanding!
Juliano Gardiman
tk yu very much ^^